8 unmistakable signs you have a specific life purpose
I'm not shy about saying I came here with something important to do.
I've known it since I can remember.
A feeling in my bones that I couldn't verbalize. I didn't know what it was, I just knew that I was made for something specific and that I was on a timeline. In fact — this knowing is what initially brought me into the world of energy. The very first intuitive I ever met looked me in the eyes and said, "you know you came into this lifetime with work to do, you knew they needed help down here and you agreed to come back" and it brought chills because I DID know and it was the first time I felt safe acknowledging my inner call rather than pushing it aside in fear of my ego.
Knowing that you have a purpose can feel self-centered, but it’s not. It’s actually the opposite — awareness that we are here for a reason outside of ourselves.
But because I have spent way too much time doubting myself and whether or not I really did have a purpose, here are 8 signs and symptoms that you too have an important mission to live out. So that you don't have to feel the heaviness that I felt and can instead accept your knowing and get to work. :)
When you have a mission:
1 | You feel it in your bones.
…a feeling that you need to be doing something specific even if you don’t know what that something is. While frustrating, this feeling is a form of guidance encouraging you to do the work to get clarity on what your purpose is. Whether that’s searching for resources like this blog post or reading a book on the topic of life purpose. Doing so will give you your next steps that you’ll follow bit by bit. The most important thing you can do is work to develop your intuition so that you can follow the subtle next-steps your spirit is asking of you. It’s also important that you show up for what shows up for you once you make the intention to follow your intended path.
2 | You will struggle.
…because while it’s not your purpose to struggle, your purpose is most often found in your pain. Gigi Young has a beautiful video on this that I often share with Empaths in Business students and if you're feeling this, feeling as if you are learning lessons again and again and again, or that you seem to go through really heavy things when those around you seem to have it a bit easier, the video is for you.
3 | You won't be able to settle.
…and you'll sometimes wish you could, especially when things get difficult and you question why you can't just be normal. Those who know they have a specific life purpose tend to lead unconventional lives because they have come here to lead a new way forward, whether that be as a thought leader, healer, etc. However it is you are personally guided to show up, your work will fall outside of societal norms… and while important, it isn’t always easy to stand out. So while you might wish for normalcy, something in you will not allow you to settle for mediocre, even if there is part of you that wants to. You will constantly need to grow and change and walk an unbeaten path because it's through doing so that you will carry our world forward.
4 | Grounding is survival.
…though it might not feel natural to you, especially as you start to care more and more about your specific life’s work. When working to find and follow your purpose, you will naturally spend a lot of time in your upper chakras and sometimes forget that life is meant to be lived here on earth, in the present moment, too. This can lead to issues around survival and safety (think money issues) or unexplainable mental health challenges, especially those related with existential meaning. If this is you, spend time in nature and do root chakra meditations — there are a ton on youtube, my favourite is to imagine a ray of light going from the sky down into my crown, all the way through my body and separating to go out the bottoms of my feet where I imagine it then going through the floor, through the soil, down to the center of the earth to be tied around an imaginary rock. Physical activity and anything to do with nurturing your physical body, like using your favourite soaps, getting a massage, eating whole meals with root veggies, is also helpful.
5 | Others won't get it.
…and listening to their opinions of you and the path you should walk will cause you to mistrust what you know in your own heart. Regardless of what your specific purpose is, there are going to be people who won't understand why you feel such a draw to something that a) might not be practical and b) doesn't seem to fit in/is woo, and you'll have to let those people go. Some will catch up, some won’t, but you won't have a choice, because if you stay small by staying with/around them, you'll always have that feeling that something is missing. And that something missing is what you signed up to do. So you'll be nudged and nudged to see the truth of a situation until it will be ripped from you if you don't listen. It hurts but it isn't punishment, it's supportive of the new path you must go. Letting go is a skill that can be learned.
6 | Sometimes you’ll feel really unsure.
…cause your gifts and unique skills (that will guide you into your life’s work) probably weren’t something you were taught to nurture. I'm only just coming into my own as an intuitive. I value my logical left brain, I value academia, I value western proof (though I know why it's only one way of knowing something to be true) and so I've had to work hard to accept my gifts instead of wish them away because I didn't know how they worked or why I had them. Some days I feel on top of the world, some days I wish I could just go be a clinical therapist, have conversations that didn't revolve around energy and chakras, and just be — without worrying if I'm doing enough for those with sensitive needs and the ascension of this planet. But, no matter how much I overthink things, I always feel inspired and aligned first thing in the morning and know this is what I'm meant to do.
7 | You'll be a magnet for synchronicity.
…especially in your lower moments. One of my good friends always comments on how synchronicity always seems to find me, and it does! Especially when I feel like quitting. Something or someone will come into my life to support me to stay (on this path) — it's beautiful and eerie, and so unbelievably divine.
8 | You won't be able to give up.
…no matter how many times you say you’re going to. You'll want to give up again and again and again, and again and again and again, but you won't. Something will always pull you to give things another go. You'll always be lead to a new insight. New people, new mentors, situations and experiences that have EXACTLY what you need to keep going. Synchronicity will find you and you'll be given the information or encouragement that you need to keep going, especially when you're at your lowest.
Knowing that you have a life purpose and mission to live out can feel egotistical, an empath's worst nightmare, but everyone, intuitive or not, can see how the consciousness of this earth is rising. The shadows are coming up to be healed and we, as a population, are becoming more loving, open-minded people because we as individuals are trusting ourselves more, reclaiming our power, and leaning into healing modalities and lifestyles that embrace rest and ease, and self-love. And if you feel you have a mission — you are on the forefront of it. And it's not selfish to own it, it's a responsibility and it's important you be accountable because you wouldn't feel the call if it wasn't for a reason. You are a part of something so much bigger and because we aren't privy to the big picture, we can only show up for our role and trust that doing so, ignites something greater than we can yet comprehend. Or maybe never will.
If you’re new to my work:
I'm Robin —
The diarist behind the Diary of an Empath and creator of Pillars of Purpose, a free workshop created to bring you into alignment with the work you’re here to do. Here’s the link to enrol.