healing the mother wound

As we’re nearing the kick-off for the fall round of Empaths in Business, and more of you are enrolling in the course, I’m beginning to feel into the energetics of the group…  and a big need this round is healing the Mother Wound.​

If you’re new to this work, the mother wound is the collection of harmful beliefs passed down through the maternal lines that keep women small — and because of that trapped into cycles of martyrdom, self-sabotage, and feeling shame and guilt for wanting more.

Though our mothers didn’t consciously choose their beliefs, and instead absorbed them from misogynistic mindsets impressed upon them, they carried them nonetheless and passed them down through the bloodline from mother to daughter.

And in many cases, they modeled this wound in their own life. 

For example, forgoing their own ambitions to look after children while modeling the belief that you aren’t able to put yourself first when it comes to your career.

What’s interesting about the mother wound is that it’s not just the beliefs of your mother’s generation that get passed down. You also took on the beliefs your mother absorbed while in your grandmother’s womb, as you were in your mother’s womb while your grandmother was carrying her.

So while we think we’ve outgrown outdated ideologies, our subconscious belief systems think differently.

Which isn’t something you’d expect we’d cover in a business course.

But our beliefs inform our actions, and when our beliefs have us tied into staying small, it’s not possible to take up space as an entrepreneur. No matter how much we desire financial or entrepreneurial growth.

This is because the conscious mind sets our goals(the goal setter), but the unconscious mind makes them possible (the goal getter).​

So we can have a goal for what we want, and work towards it, but if we carry unconscious beliefs that hold us back, we’ll self-sabotage ourselves from moving forward.

An example of this is a health coach wanting to create $5,000 months.

She might write that goal on paper and map out a plan to make it real, but if she carries the mother wound and therefore believes it’s her job to be sacrificial and take on responsibilities that aren’t hers, when someone wants to work with her but can’t afford her work, she’ll lower her price to make their life easiereven if the discount means sacrificing her own desires and her financial needs as an entrepreneur.

Another manifestation of the mother wound is being indecisive.​

Indecision is a form of self-sabotage, because when we go back and forth on what we want, we are saying that we don’t trust ourselves. Which is what women were taught; that they didn’t know enough, and needed permission from a man (traditionally, a husband or father) to do anything in life… even to choose a partner.

This is problematic, because to manifest the business and profit goals we want, we must act on the guidance that comes to us. Which is something I see with so many who want to enrol in courses like Empaths in Business, but hesitate to make the decision until it’s too late. When we hesitate to take actions we know we need to take, because the mother wound keeps us from trusting that we know what we’re doing, we never get where we want to go.

To create the business and lifestyle we desire requires we act with confidence in the direction of our goals; not question ourselves and our next moves.​

To learn more, here’s the link to read about the Empaths in Business program.

We’re starting a week from now!




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    If you’re new to my work:

    Hi! I'm Robin —

    The diarist behind The Diary of an Empath and creator of Empaths in Business, teaching empaths how to turn their work into a business that works, with strategy, healing and support.
