softening into your role

For many of us, we’ve been taught to be much more masculine than we really are. So what would it feel like to not be like that? To soften back into ourselves, to be ourselves, and to not make things so difficult by trying to fit ourselves into a mold that never fit?

For me lately, this looks like stopping anything that feels too performative, prioritizing vision over goal setting, seeing another’s dislike of me as a beautiful expression of their own sovereignty, to soften my boundaries in spaces that feel safe to me, to value growth over arriving, and make an impact from a place of deep self-worth; worth that sits deeper than any title or credential ever could, to release the ‘good woman’ I’ve been conditioned to be and speak up in the presence of those who shame to condition me, to see the soul in the desires that pull me, and to centre integrity over pleasing — what about you?

In what ways is the feminine unearthing herself in your world? Where is she speaking to have her voice heard?


A few ways to reclaim the feminine when it comes to your life’s work


01. Embrace the Ripple Effect

The feminine energy knows that impact is a ripple effect and that she'll never fully understand the impact of the actions she feels called to take because the feminine energy is about surrender, not control. ‘Control’ wants to have everything figured out and know exactly how things will work out and the feminine energy knows that is impossible as the only thing privy to the big picture is the universe itself. Embracing the ripple effect is the first step to taking your power back from the masculine results-oriented world we’ve been conditioned to value. When you stand in your power as a feminine soul, you act knowing you will make an impact, even though you do not yet know the impact your actions will have.

Related: Episode 33 | Taking Your Desires Seriously — Your Role In This World We Are Building


02. Trust in knowing over knowledge (truth as subjective)

The feminine energy knows truth is subjective and that she is receptive. She births her dreams by receiving the next step guidance she personally needs to follow to get where she wants to go. Success from a feminine lens involves dismantling knowledge and the ‘should-do’ models that have been taught to you and letting yourself decide if the ‘right way of doing things’ being taught in mainstream culture does or does not apply to you. Because the world is based on a wounded-masculine Patriarchal model, often it does not and you listening to your heart is key to helping us all birth something else.

Related: Episode 34 | Maintaining Sovereignty (When Being Told Who You Should Be)


03. UNDERSTAND that purpose = embodiment (of what you actually want)

The feminine energy knows that purpose is not something you do, but rather something that you are when you living from your heart. If you’re looking for your purpose, the real work is to figure out everything you are not so that you can challenge it and let your true self speak up… as you live your purpose when you are living your truth and you are living your truth when you are being yourself in the the world.

This is something I had to work through when it came to being an empath in business. I was taught being an empath meant giving to the point of burnout as ‘giving was good’, yet my heart wanted to be an entrepreneur and I couldn’t be an entrepreneur if I didn’t know how to set boundaries and charge for my work. Living my purpose required digging through age-old beliefs around money and spirituality and then choosing I wanted to live differently: to be an empath who knew her worth. A decision that became a movement that helps others work through similar wounds.


04. value Growth over arriving

The feminine knows that we are here to grow, and outgrow who we are, over and over and over… as one of the ways we heal the world is by embodying belief systems and narratives that do not serve and through our awareness clearing them for the collective… and the feminine energy knows this. She knows our lives are medicine. To allow yourself to be a work in progress and to shift directions when asked to by your higher self is one way we answer the call to be of service.


05. Allow things to be easier

Finally, the feminine energy knows we are here to live a life that feels good, and the easiest way to experience that is to be who we really are. Being performative takes away from our most treasured resource: time on earth. Over the years “I choose for this to be easy” has become my favourite affirmation because when I say it, I remember that I don’t have the time or energy to be anything but myself because doing so takes too much effort. Have you ever thought about that? About how much life you lose trying to be something you’re not? When we get that, it becomes easier to reprioritize and come back home to ourselves.

Some of the ways this might manifest in your purpose is trying too hard to create content that will convert rather than simply sharing an impulse from your heart. Or feeling like you need to work really hard to convince someone of your value, instead of just showing up with a desire to help and allow another decide if you are (or not) what they need on their path right now.

Related: Episode 20 | Rejection, Being Called A Fraud And Feeling Like You're Not Enough

Also related: Episode 21 | The Season You're Here To Serve

Relate to any of these?

The feminine is rising.




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    If you’re new to my work:

    Hi! I'm Robin —

    The diarist behind The Diary of an Empath and creator of Empaths in Business, teaching empaths how to turn their work into a business that works, with strategy, healing and support.