finding expanders to get where you want to go

Our lives are the result of the stories we believe to be true, and for many of us, we are buying into stories that do not support us at all. Stories like "business is hard" or "living your calling is impossible" or love has to be difficult on you.

A story you were told and bought into.

But did you ever think about where those stories come from? And why you are buying into them?

In business there is a concept known as *sell or be sold* and it relates to the idea that you are either selling your product or being sold the reasons why someone can't buy from you. And though helpful in marketing an offer, maybe even more so in convincing yourself of your own potential.

What stories are you buying into? And how could you sell yourself on what you'd much rather?

A few tips I use:

1. Find an expander. Expanders are people who are where you want to be, who are doing what you want to do. Being in their energy convinces your subconscious mind that what they have is possible for you too.

Expanding Support:
If you’re looking for love.
If you’re ready for business success.
If you’re wanting to be a healthy empath.

2. Remember a question opens the mind and a statement closes it. Instead of affirming things are hard, ask "how could this be easier?" and instead of saying you don't know something, ask "how might I learn what I need to know?" Doesn't that feel much lighter? Filled with so much more potential?

3. Finally -  be an individual.

Society is full of beliefs of what is and is not possible and because of that we have created collective stories we all buy as fact.  When we choose to consciously disagree, we choose to write a new story. For ourselves and those who are expanded by us. Every new thing you see in the world (say, women's rights for example) are because someone said no to an old story (the story that women didn't matter) and chose to write something new.

Your life can be that for someone too.

What stories are you buying into?

Your failure or your success?

What you don’t want or what you hope for most?




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    If you’re new to my work:

    Hi! I'm Robin —

    The diarist behind The Diary of an Empath and creator of Empaths in Business, teaching empaths how to turn their work into a business that works, with strategy, healing and support.
