Feeling Deeply, and Finding Hope to Keep Going

It's not like me to blog on Sundays and this wordsmith doesn't know where to start with her words. She just knows she needs to write them. So I guess I'll just start with: caring about the world can get really heavy sometimes. And I'm certain some of you might have noticed that energy in me. An energy of needing to walk away for a bit. First from Instagram, then from e-mails. An energy of getting laser-focused on what I need to do and letting the rest fall away.

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What to Do When He Leaves Unexpectedly?

I get it. I've been there. Right where you are, in that moment of complete devastation with no idea how to move forward or if you even can move forward, wondering what just happened. In that moment of shock where nothing makes sense, replaying it all in your head, trying to figure out where you went wrong and what you could have done differently, and I just want you to know that someday, in hindsight, this is all going to make sense. Someone choosing to leave your life happens for you, not to you. Space has been created for something new to take his place, maybe a new and improved relationship with a more mature you and him, maybe something else entirely, but I know how much it hurts, especially where you're expected to get up every day and be of service to others, and so I know it's not easy to see opportunity where you feel despair.

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8 unmistakable signs you have a specific life purpose

I'm not shy about saying I came here with something important to do. I've known it since I can remember. A feeling in my bones that I couldn't verbalize. I didn't know what it was, I just knew I was made for something specific and that I was on a timeline. In fact — this knowing is what initially brought me into the world of energy. The very first intuitive I ever met looked me in the eyes and said, "you know you came into this lifetime with work to do, you knew they needed help down here and you agreed to come back" and it brought chills because I DID know and it was the first time I felt safe acknowledging my inner call rather than pushing it aside in fear of my ego.

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Divine Timing

When we find the law of attraction and dive into intentional living we learn we are responsible for our reality and that anything we want can be. And it's true, we are responsible for our reality, we get to choose what we want and then choose in every moment to choose to align with it by choosing a higher thought, accepting our emotions as road signs, taking inspired action and leaning into the flow. It's also true there is anon-physical world working with us behind the scenes and we are never alone, but simplifying the law of attraction to believe it's all on us is the quickest way to fail, because there is a plan so much greater than ours, something that is SO hard to remember when things feel unsteady or we're wanting something really bad. .

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a few ways i raise my vibration when feeling low

If you've heard about the law of attraction and the ability we all have to draw in what we desire, I can bet you've also heard about the importance of keeping your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions as positive as possible. While I'm all for squeezing the best out of life and feeling gratitude for this world we live in, as someone who can't help but be affected by our world I've had to think critically about what it means to keep a high vibration. Since I'm not the only sensitive person with big dreams who is using the law of attraction to intentionally create their reality, I thought I'd share some of my critical thinking with you. So let's get to it!

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What I know about living your life purpose

Being intentional about aligning with our life purpose is magical. It's also really important for shifting the nature of this world. Aligning with our purpose creates change; change in the lives of the people we are meant to meet through our purpose and change in the energetic frequency of this earth as a whole. But it isn't all breezy. The shift, the move, the change in vibration that comes with aligning with your purpose can feel uncomfortable. It can also create loss and loss feels unfair. If you're going through the confusion and the loss or you're just ready to start aligning with the purpose you know you are here to live, this post is for you.

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how to deal with being an empath (energetic tools & tips)

Regardless of whether or not you identify with the empath label, being intuitive and connected to the non-physical world is overwhelming. Not only do you pick up the energy of other people, you also pick up the energy of places and things, including the energy of toxic spaces and non-physical visitors. Most people who are clairsentient (another word sometimes used for empaths) live with anxiety and depression and until they realize what's really going on…

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